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The strayr package provides tools to make working with Australian data easier. This includes:

  • tidy versions of common structures used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), like ANZSIC and ANZSCO:

  • a function to tidy up state names (clean_states()); and

  • a function that knows whether particular dates are public holidays (is_holiday()).

This package is currently in development and subject to change. The lifecycle badge will be changed to stable when it is stable (should be relatively soon).

Contribute to this package: people are actively encouraged to contribute to this package.


You can install the current version of strayr with:



Current structures stored in strayr are:

  • Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), Cat. 1220.0:
  • Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), Cat. 1292.0:
  • Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED), Cat. 1272.0:
    • asced_foe2001: field of education levels of ASCED, 2001.
    • asced_qual2001: qualification levels of ASCED, 2001.

Converting state names and abbreviations

The clean_state() function makes it easy to wrangle vectors of State names and abbreviations - which might be in different forms and possibly misspelled.

Australian public holidays

This package includes the auholidays dataset from the Australian Public Holidays Dates Machine Readable Dataset as well as a helper function is_holiday.

Parsing income ranges

The parse_income_range function provides some tools for extracting numbers from income ranges commonly used in Australian data. For example:

parse_income_range("$1-$199 ($1-$10,399)", limit = "lower")
#> [1] 1

Accessing ABS mapping structures

The strayr package also loads provides tools to access sf objects contained in absmapsdata. See ?strayr::read_absmap for more information.
